Readme for Library Management system

= Project Name Library Management System
= Language Used PHP5.6, PHP7.x
= Database MySQL 5.x
= Web Browser Mozilla, Google Chrome, Edge

= Administration Module
= User Module

Administration Module contains these features
= Admin can self register and another admin can approve the same.
= Admin Dashboard
= Admin can add/update/ delete category
= Admin can add/update/ delete author
= Admin can add/update/ delete books
= Admin can add/update/ delete Journals
= Admin can add/update/ delete Grants
= Admin can issue a new book to student and also update the details when student return book
= Admin can issue a new book to Teacher and also update the details when teacher return book
= Admin can search student by using their student ID
= Admin can search teacher by using their ID
= Admin can also view student and teacher details
= Admin can change own password

User and Teacher Module contains these features
= Student and teachers can register yourself using student and teacher signup pages
= After login student and teachers can view own dashboard.
= Stduents and teachers can also view the loaned books from the library.
= Student and teachers can update own profile details.
= Student and teachers can view issued book and book return date-time.
= Student and teachers can also change own password.